Minerals record cosmic narratives
In the vast expanse of the cosmos, minerals bear witness to the perpetual dance of matter and energy. Our researchers study these silent storytellers to uncover their hidden narratives and understand the history of our Solar System.
Through a blend of laboratory experimentation and theoretical modeling, as well as the cutting-edge application of network analysis and artificial intelligence, we investigate the intricate properties, structures, and interactions of minerals found both on Earth and in extraterrestrial samples. Our efforts yield invaluable insights into planetary development, the history of our Solar System, and even how minerals may have impacted the emergence of life on Earth.

Tools of the Trade
Experiments at pressure and temperature conditions ranging from planetary crusts to cores are made using a wide range of tools, including 1 atm furnaces, cold-seal devices, piston cylinders, multi-anvil presses, laser-heated diamond anvil cells, and dynamic compression facilities. We analyze and characterize natural and experimental samples using our wide-ranging in-house capabilities, including SEM, EPMA, FIB, NMR, Raman, FTIR, and X-ray diffraction.
We use national and international synchrotron facilities to probe samples in situ at micron and sub-micron scales. Theoretical approaches utilize high-performance computing systems both on and off-campus.
All instrumentation