- M.Sc. in Geomaterials and Mineral Resources, grade 110/110 cum laude, University of Milan, 2015
- B.Sc. in Geological Sciences, grade 109/110, University of Milan, 2012
- PhD in Geosciences, Natural Resources and Environment, Sorbonne University, Paris, FR, 2019
- Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology
- American Geophysical Union
- 2020: Graduate research award from the Mineral and Rock Physics section of the American Geophysical Union
- 2019: Jamieson student paper award recipient for the article: “Equation of State of SiC at Extreme Conditions: New Insight Into the Interior of Carbon-Rich Exoplanets” from the American Geophysical Union, Mineral and Rock Physics section
- 2018: EPSC Travel grant recepient to attend the European Planetary Science Congress, Berlin (DE)
- 2017: Italian Mineralogical Society travel grant
- Convener of the session “ Novel Constraints on the Physics, Chemistry, and Transport Properties of Planetary Interiors” at the 2020 Agu Fall Meeting.
- Co-convener of the session “ Novel Constraints on the Physics, Chemistry, and Transport Properties of Planetary Interiors” at the 2021 Egu general assembly.
Research Interests
Francesca Miozzi uses experiments to study the evolution of binary and ternary systems at pressure and temperatures consistent with planetary interiors. She is interested in establishing the relations occurring between different phases in the sub-solidus and molten state and the physical properties of the stable mineralogical assemblages. She has studied thermal equations of state and different parametrizations with a particular focus on iron and iron alloys.
Francesca Miozzi is extremely interested in the relation between exoplanets observation and the mineralogy of the interior. In particular, she is collaborating with experts in the fields to apply the experimental data to exoplanets model. She is thrilled by the possibility of combining mineralphysics and astrophysics to build predictive models of exoplanets interiors.
Francesca Miozzi has worked on the mobilization of fluids in Earth’s interior as a key to understand the contribution of subduction zones to the global CO2 budget. She is interested in how the interaction with different minerals can change the composition and quantity of volatiles species