Explore the latest seminars and programs at Carnegie Science.

Public Events
Carnegie's mission is to promote science for the betterment of humankind. This charge includes sharing our love of science with the public through a suite of programs in Washington, D.C., Pasadena, and Baltimore. From lectures to lab tours, attendees will get a firsthand look at the “a-ha” moments, setbacks, and triumphs that drive brilliant minds and fundamentally change our understanding of the world around us.
Popular Event Series
Since 1991, Carnegie Science has hosted extraordinary researchers from a wide range of scientific disciplines as part of the Capital Science Evenings lecture series. The lectures provide a unique opportunity to connect with some of the most gifted investigators in science and hear the stories behind their discoveries.
These hour-long lectures, followed by a brief question-and-answer period, go beyond the media accounts for a firsthand look at the “ah-ha” moments, setbacks, and triumphs that drive brilliant minds and fundamentally change our understanding of the world around us.
Registration required.
Past EventsFor more than fifteen years, the Carnegie Institution for Science’s Earth and Planets Laboratory (EPL) has hosted public science lectures at our Broad Branch Road campus in northwest Washington, D.C. These talks, held in the spring and fall, connect the local community with the boundary-pushing research happening right next door.
Registration required.
Event Series PageEach Spring we partner with the Huntington Library to provide a unique lecture series covering a wide range of topics in astronomy and astrophysics from how we build cutting edge scientific instruments to the most recent discoveries and research by Carnegie staff. These lectures are streamed live and archived online, and a parallel series is also run at Pasadena City College.
Registration required.
Each October, when possible, the Carnegie Science Observatories open our campus to the public for the afternoon. At this family-friendly event, we host an array of exhibits, interactive displays, and talks and give people a chance to meet our scientists. Our most recent open house saw ~1,000 guests from the local community and beyond.

Mapping the Violent Inner Life of Galaxies - Dr. Guillermo Blanc

Q&A with astronauts Charles Bolden and Leland Melvin

Exploring the ocean multiverse with Tara Oceans

Planetary Magnetic Fields: Habitability, Generation, and Detectability

Kavli Laureate Lecture - Starquakes, exoplanets, and extraterrestrial life - Dr. Conny Aerts

Discovering Alaska's Hidden "Supervolcano"
Recent Event News
To view past event recordings, visit Carnegie Science on YouTube

Scientific Seminars
Enhance your academic journey at Carnegie Science with our diverse array of academic seminars and campus events. Engage with thought leaders, collaborate with peers, and expand your professional network in a vibrant scholarly community. Join us as we explore new research frontiers and build connections that enhance our collective pursuit of knowledge.
Note: These events are for members of the Carnegie Science, not the general public. These seminars are run by event teams at the Divisions level. See below for details.
Division Resources
The Earth and Planets Laboratory's (EPL) main seminar series covers a wide range of topics in the Earth, space, planetary, and materials sciences—and everything in between! Each week in the spring and fall, EPL scientists invite guests from their field to give a talk about the latest advancements in science and engage in thought-provoking discussions with fellow researchers.
These seminars are designed for scientists at the Earth and Planets Laboratory. If you are not an Earth and Planets Laboratory employee but would like to attend, please email event coordinator Alycia Alexander at
Suggest a Speaker
We invite staff scientists and postdocs to suggest seminar speakers in their respective fields of expertise to enrich our scientific community and facilitate interdisciplinary discussions. Email the current Seminar Czar with your suggestion.
Current Seminar Czar
Staff Scientist
The Carnegie Science Observatories hosts regular colloquia and seminars about topics in astronomy throughout the year. In addition, our staff and guests present their work at informal lunch talks and morning discussions over tea.
More OBS CultureCarnegie Science Biosphere Science and Engineering hosts regular seminars about topics related to global ecology, plant biology, and embryology.
More BSE Culture