Featured Staff Member
Experimental petrologist Michael Walter is the Director of the Earth & Planets Laboratory and specializes in high-pressure-temperature experimental petrology and mineral physics.
The Diversity of Massive Stellar Deaths and Relativistic Jets: Unraveling a Cosmic Tandem
The Growing Population of Radio-Detected Merger Driven Gamma-ray Bursts: Their Environments, Jets, and Afterglows
Salvatore Calabrese
Mulchaey and Phillips named AAS fellows
Carnegie Science contributes to LACMA exhibition on cosmologies across cultures
Q&A | Insights from early career astronomers Jessica Spake, Peter Senchyna, and Shreyas Vissapragada
Carnegie Science has long been known as a launching pad for budding scientists.
In 2019, Michael Wilson generously endowed three postdoctoral positions in honor of his three granddaughters.
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