Research Overview

Kasbohm joins Carnegie Science from a National Science Foundation Earth Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship at Yale University. In this role she used sophisticated measurements of isotopic ratios to develop timelines of significant geologic events, revealing details about interactions between Earth’s interior, surface, oceans, and atmosphere.

In addition to her robust research program, Kasbohm has a strong track record of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility work. At Princeton University, she served on the leadership committee of a departmental support network for women in geosciences and advocated to improve the graduate experience by proposing concrete solutions to issues surrounding recruitment, advising, gender, and field safety. At Yale, she led several DEIA efforts, including a reading group, an Unlearning Racism in Geosciences pod, a subcommittee on fieldwork inclusivity, and the launch of a new group for women and gender minorities in Earth and planetary sciences at the university. For these efforts, she was recognized with Princeton’s inaugural Geosciences Service and Outreach Award for Graduate Students and Yale’s inaugural EPS-IDEA Prize.

Research Interests