Featured Staff Member
The central theme of Ana Bonaca's research program is the Milky Way as a cosmological laboratory, which will be mapped in unprecedented detail over the next decade.
John Mulchaey, President, Carnegie Science
Dr. Nipam Patel
Jennifer Funk
Carnegie Science contributes to LACMA exhibition on cosmologies across cultures
Q&A | Insights from early career astronomers Jessica Spake, Peter Senchyna, and Shreyas Vissapragada
The Year of the Sun
Carnegie Science has long been known as a launching pad for budding scientists.
In 2019, Michael Wilson generously endowed three postdoctoral positions in honor of his three granddaughters.
Carnegie Postdoctoral Fellow
Carnegie Visiting Scientist
NASA Hubble Fellowship Program (NHFP) Sagan Fellow
Interim Facilities Manager
Administrative Coordinator
Postdoctoral Fellow
Under Alien Skies: A Recap of Dr. Phil Plait’s Neighborhood Lecture
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