Joel Kastner, a professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology and current Merle A. Tuve Senior Fellow at DTM, will lead a workshop* titled "Writing a Successful Grant Proposal" at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 7, 2017, in the Abelson Collaboration Center as part of DTM's Postdoctoral Development Workshop Series.
Kastner received his Ph.D. in astronomy from the University of California, Los Angeles, in 1990. He recently joined the AAS Committee on Employment, whose charge is to facilitate the professional development and employment of astronomers at all career stages and on all career paths, and to promote balance and fairness in the job market. His sabbatical year started with a two month residency at IPAG in Grenoble, as well as a month-long visit of the Arcetri Observatory in Florence.
Coffee, tea, and snacks will be served before the workshop at 3 p.m.
*This workshop is open to Carnegie personnel only.
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