Come tour the Carnegie Observatories campus for a fun-fulled afternoon of learning about space. 

  • Meet professional astronomers and learn about how they study the universe.
  • Visit the machine shop to see how we make instruments for our telescopes.
  • Bring your questions about the stars, planets, quasars, black holes, galaxies, and more to our “Ask an Astronomer” table.
  • Look at the Sun through a solar telescope.
  • Experience our 3-D Visualization Lab
  • Tour our beautiful Hale Library and see historic astronomical images taken on glass plates.
  • Get the latest update on the Giant Magellan Telescope—one of the most-powerful next-generation telescopes.
  • Make your own constellation and other fun children’s astro activities.
  • Plus, free sweet treats for the whole family!

All those who register in advance will receive a free space-themed gift.

Note: Parking is extremely limited, please consider taking public transit. The Observatories is a 10 minute walk from the Lake Ave. Metro A Line (formerly Gold Line) station. There is ample free parking at the Sierra Madre Villa station. Rideshare services may also be a good option.


walking the redshift carpet at the Carnegie Observatories Open House