Graduate Student Andrea Nebhut
Andrea is a graduate student in Jeff Dukes' lab and an incoming PhD student at Stanford University's Department of Biology. Broadly, She studies climate change and invasive plant impacts, with upcoming projects on how climate change alters plant competitive relationships and how invader-driven trait shifts moderate ecosystem service provisioning. She received my Bachelor of Science in Biology and Environmental Studies from Trinity University, where she studied how shortwave UV-B radiation alters plant pigmentation, and her Master of Science in Forestry and Natural Resources from Purdue University, where she studied the community impacts of invasive Callery pear and competitive relationships between invaders and their recipient communities in California serpentine grasslands
October 19 , 2023
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12:00 pm - 1:00 pm PDT
Department of Global Ecology Lobby
260 Panama Street
Palo Alto, CA 94305
United States