The Carnegie Institution's Postdoctoral Association would like to invite the campus to the EPL Flash Talk Jamboree on the afternoon of Thursday, March 23rd!
There have been many comings and goings on campus since we last got together and shared our work, and this event is designed to provide an informal opportunity for us to learn more about the extraordinary work being done here at Carnegie. Everyone on campus, including postdocs, staff scientists, research scientists, and technical staff, is invited to participate.
What's a Flash Talk?
A flash talk should be 1 slide and about ~3 minutes in length plus two minutes for a Q&A. These talks are designed to give others on campus an insight into the work you do and spark discussion. You're free to present anything you want: a cool new result/technique, an overview of your research/lab facilities, or a highlight of your previous work—it's up to you!
The sign-up sheet can be found here.
Event Agenda
The talks will be in alphabetical order starting at 2.00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. with a break between sessions.
After the sessions, we welcome you to join in an informal poster session/happy hour at 5:30 p.m. where we will discuss the flash talks over food and drinks. There is no pressure to prepare a poster specifically for this event, but for those who want to (or have a poster laying around) we encourage you to bring a poster and show off your work!
We want to emphasize this event is designed to include everyone on campus, and you are all welcome to participate, present, and learn more about the great work being done on campus.
Zoom link coming soon.