Ikuko Wada, an assistant professor in geodynamics at the University of Minnesota, will give a talk titled “Effects of Subduction Obliquity on Mantle Wedge Flow Patterns and Subduction Zone Processes” at 11 a.m. on Thursday, March 30, 2017, in the Greenewalt Lecture Hall as part of DTM's Weekly Seminar Series. 

Wada received her Ph.D. in Earth and ocean sciences from the University of Victoria in 2009. Her research interests are focused primarily on subduction zone geodynamics. One of her goals is to provide a better understanding of physical conditions that control geophysical and geochemical processes in subduction zones, such as megathrust earthquakes, intraslab earthquakes, mantle wedge flow, transport of volatiles, generation of melts, and arc volcanism. 

Coffee, tea, and a continental breakfast will be served before the lecture at 10:30 a.m.

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