
Over the past decade, our group has worked hard to build a predictive, quantitative theory of microbial communities that can explain their assembly and function. Our efforts have drawn inspiration from parallels with the theory of quantitative genetics, from where we have borrowed concepts, experimental approaches, and mathematical tools. In this talk, I will provide an overview of this work, highlighting open questions and future directions.



Alvaro Sanchez is a senior group leader at the Institute of Functional Biology & Genomics in Salamanca, Spain. Before moving to Spain in 2022, he was an Associate Professor of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at Yale University. Research in his laboratory focuses on drawing methods and concepts from evolutionary theory to develop predictive, quantitative theory in microbial ecology. His research has been funded through multiple grants and awards, including an ERC Consolidator Grant, a Packard Fellowship, an NIH MIRA award, and an HFSP young investigator grant.