- University of Wisconsin–Madison Madison, WI, USA PH.D. iN GEOPHYSiCS 2012 – 2016
- Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) Paris, France M.S. iN GEOPHYSiCS 2009 – 2011
- Université de Nantes Nantes, France B.S. iN EARTH AND PLANETARY SCiENCES 2006 – 2009
- National Science Foundation (NSF‑EAR) ‑ Petrology and Geochemistry, Collaborative Research: Integrating Petrochronology, Magma Dynamics, and Volcanic Unrest at the Three Sisters Volcanic Complex, $19,223 (Carnegie, co‑PI), $357,626 (total), 2020 – 2023.
- The Brinson Foundation, Understanding dynamic volcanic processes and the magma plumbing system beneath an active volcano using gravity measurements, $185,360 (Sole PI), 2019 – 2021
- Schiesser Outstanding Student Research Paper Award, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Dpt. Geoscience, 2016
- Outstanding Student Paper Award (OSPA), American Geophysical Union, Geodesy section, 2015
- James J. & Dorothy T. Hanks Graduate Student Award in Geophysics, University of Wisconsin–Madison, 2014
- Carnegie Institution for Science, Earth and Planets Laboratory | Staff Scientist | Feb. 2017 – Now
- Carnegie Institution for Science, Department of Terrestrial Magnetism | Postdoctoral Fellow | Aug. 2016 – Jan. 2017
- University of Wisconsin–Madison, Department of Geoscience | Graduate Research Assistant | Jan. 2012 – Jun. 2016
- Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO), USGS Hawaii | USGS Volunteer | Aug. 2011 – Dec. 2011
- Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) Paris, France | M.S. Research Intern 2009 - 2011
- 2013 – now International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of Earth’s Interior
- 2010 – now American Geophysical Union
Media and Recorded Talks
The Gravity of Volcanoes: Using Gravity Data to Probe Magma Reservoirs
Hélène Le Mével & Mary Grace Bato | SZ4D MCS Volcano Workshop

The Gravity of Volcanoes: Using Gravity Data to Probe Magma Reservoirs

Hélène Le Mével & Mary Grace Bato | SZ4D MCS Volcano Workshop

Helene Le Mevel Preliminary Field Work