
Specifically, I want to try and better quantify biodiversity loss and ecosystem change at a variety of spatial and temporal scales so that we can

  1. Better quantify biodiversity loss and ecosystem change at a variety of spatial and temporal scales
  2. Understand what genetic and phenotypic mechanisms plants are using to adapt to this rapid change
  3. Find where in space these genetic reservoirs of adaptive diversity lie
  4. Ultimately to develop informed, precision strategies for helping restore and adapt our ecosystems to a warmer and drier climate future.

Broadly speaking, my research touches on research topics spanning deep learning, ecology, genomics, population genetics, and remote sensing. I’m extremely grateful to have my work supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship and a TomKat Graduate Fellowship for Translational Research. In the past, I have previously worked on interesting problems in evolutionary computation, computer vision, and high performance computing and I completed my undergrad at Southwestern University in Spring 2019 where I double majored in Computer Science and Chemistry.