Program Overview:

Carnegie Science is deeply committed to advancing the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within our organization and the communities we serve. In line with this commitment, we invite faculty, staff, postdocs, and all employees to propose initiatives that align with Carnegie's dedication to fostering a more diverse and inclusive future generation of scientists.

Carnegie Science DEI grants provide internal funding support of up to $5,000 for novel DEI projects, innovative ideas, or collaborative efforts. Examples of these DEI Projects encompass a wide range, including but not limited to:

  • Community Dialogues: Initiating and facilitating conversations related to DEI work within our organization and the broader community.
  • Creative Expressions: Supporting creative projects such as art installations, performance art, visual arts, and murals that convey DEI themes and messages.
  • Educational Outreach: Engaging with local communities through initiatives targeting elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, or community colleges to promote DEI awareness and understanding.
  • Partnerships: Collaborating with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) or Minoritized-Serving Institutions (MSIs) to foster meaningful DEI relationships and initiatives, among other possibilities.

Eligibility: Grants are available to individuals or small teams of employees who share a passion for advancing DEI objectives within Carnegie Science.


  • Stipends and Wages: Grant funds cannot be used to pay salaries or stipends to individuals involved in the project.
  • Routine Operating Costs: Expenses related to the day-to-day operation of departments or programs, such as office supplies, utility bills, and administrative overhead, are not eligible for funding.
  • Non-DEI Initiatives: Projects that do not directly align with diversity, equity, and inclusion objectives within Carnegie Science and our communities are not eligible.
  • Projects Beyond FY Closure: Initiatives that extend beyond the fiscal year (FY) deadline specified in the grant guidelines are ineligible for funding.
  • Capital Investments: Funding for the acquisition of capital assets, such as buildings, land, or major equipment purchases, is not available through these grants.
  • Travel Costs Unrelated to DEI: Travel expenses unrelated to DEI project activities, such as personal travel or unrelated conference attendance, are not eligible for reimbursement.
  • Projects Lacking Clear DEI Objectives: Proposals that do not clearly articulate how the project contributes to diversity, equity, and inclusion goals may be deemed ineligible.
  • Duplicate Funding: Projects for which the applicant has already secured full funding from other sources may not receive duplicate funding through Carnegie Science DEI grants.

These exclusions are in place to ensure that grant funds are dedicated to initiatives that directly advance our DEI mission and have a meaningful impact on creating a more inclusive environment within Carnegie Science and our broader communities.

Guidelines: Projects supported by these grants may span a variety of durations, from single events to year-long endeavors. All grants must conclude before the close of the fiscal year (FY) June 30th. Grant funds are designated exclusively for expenses directly associated with DEI projects. While stipends and wages are not eligible for funding, grants may cover conference attendance costs. Grant proposals should explicitly mention any other funding sources sought or secured, both internal and external.

The primary criteria for a successful grant application are that the funds contribute to furthering Carnegie's DEI goals and that the proposed project has a tangible and positive impact. In cases where multiple deserving proposals are received, efforts will be made to distribute grants evenly across our campuses, ensuring a broad range of DEI initiatives are supported.

Proposal Submission: Applicants are kindly requested to submit concise proposals, limited to a single page, along with a budget, to our DEIA Manager, Carlitta Constant. Proposals should clearly outline the project's objectives, its alignment with Carnegie's DEI mission, and the methodology for measuring its impact.

Post-Project Reporting: Within 90 days of project completion, grant recipients are expected to provide a brief written reflection on the outcomes achieved. This reflection should include insights into how the project enhanced or expanded upon the curricular and co-curricular goals outlined in the initial grant application. Furthermore, it should address the project's relevance to Carnegie's broader DEI efforts and, most importantly, its real-world impact.

Together, we aim to drive positive change and create a more inclusive environment within Carnegie Science and our surrounding communities through these DEI grants. Your contributions play a pivotal role in shaping a diverse and equitable future for the scientific community.