Scientists at the Observatories meet nearly daily for wide-ranging discussions on new and in-progress science at arXiv Tea.


Think “discussion” rather than a formal “talk”: Observatories scientists and visitors are encouraged to discuss new results or in-progress work in any way one finds useful, except slides: from scrolling through papers on-screen to leading an analog chat or walking through new results on the whiteboard. Tea is meant to stimulate discussion of the literature that wouldn’t happen otherwise and we hope that it does! Tea is 30 minutes long and we aim to cover two different topics each day.


Tea takes place every M/W/Th/Fri 10:30-11:00 AM; the schedule is in this spreadsheet (must be logged into Carnegie email to access). Anyone within Carnegie can directly edit the spreadsheet to discuss a paper or to host a visitor.

Tea Schedule open_in_new


Tea takes place in the VizLab and remote folks can join over zoom; email the tea organizers below for the zoom link.

Notes for visitor hosts

If you have a visitor who would like to lead a discussion at Tea, you can add them directly to the Tea schedule. Signups are first come, first serve. 

Please remind your visitors that the format for Tea is 15 mins per person, either scrolling through a paper and highlighting 2-3 figures, or using the whiteboards to sketch. The only "rule" is to not do a full-blown talk with slides, to keep Tea informal + discussion based. You can also let them know attendees often ask questions and interrupt, so generally 10 mins of pre-prepared materiel will fill up the time slot.

If visitors want to share work in progress and are not comfortable showing an unfinished paper draft, showing 2-3 plots in a slide deck is also welcome. Again, we just ask they don't do a full-blown talk. 

We realize a lot of visitors (especially during job season) have prepared slide decks and presentations they want to give as a talk, but we've found this often stifles the discussion and we get better engagement with informal discussion. open_in_new

Previous Organizers (since 2022)

Drew Newman, Henrique Reggiani, Nima Chartab, Allison Matthews, Meng Gu, Trevor Dorn-Wallenstein, David Vartanyan, Peter Senchyna