Exposito-Alonso recognized by ASPB for early career excellence

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Carnegie evolutionary plant geneticist Moises Exposito-Alonso has been selected for the American Society of Plant Biology’s 2023 Early Career award.
Moises Exposito-Alonso fieldwork experiment site at Stanford University campus

Palo Alto, CA—Carnegie evolutionary plant geneticist Moises Exposito-Alonso has been selected for the American Society of Plant Biologists' 2023 Early Career award.

Since 2005, the society has honored individuals within seven years of completing their doctorates with this award, which recognizes “outstanding research” and “exceptionally creative, independent contributions” to plant science.

Exposito Alonso holds one of Carnegie’s prestigious Staff Associate positions, which empower elite early career researchers to undertake bold research endeavors. He is also an Assistant Professor (by courtesy) at Stanford University.

His lab investigates the genetic processes underpinning the adaptation or extinction of plants in response to climate change. Using both fieldwork and computational techniques, Exposito-Alonso’s team reveals how climate and land transformation affect genetic diversity and evolution around the world.

“Congratulations to Moi on another well-deserved recognition of his exciting research program,” said Biosphere Sciences and Engineering Deputy Director Stephanie Hampton. “His enterprising work is an excellent addition to Carnegie’s long-standing tradition of trailblazing new scientific approaches and defining new fields.”