Thirty years ago, astronomers began to discover planets around other stars -- exoplanets -- and sparked a scientific revolution. Today we remain in its throes. Our most advanced telescopes on mountains and in space continually unveil the strange atmospheres of newly discovered exoplanets. Toxic gases, clouds of rubies, and atmospheres that trail behind planets in huge tails abound. Most exoplanets found to date are like nothing previously imagined, and they are changing our understanding of our place in the cosmos. Dr. Spake will present some of the most spectacular discoveries so far, and will explain why understanding these alien worlds remains key in the search for life elsewhere in the universe.
Dr. Jessica Spake — Staff Scientist, Carnegie Science Observatories
Dr. Spake is a first-generation college graduate from the UK. She received her PhD from the University of Exeter and worked at Caltech before moving to Carnegie Science in 2024 as the Observatories’ newest Staff Scientist.