Hosted by:  Jose Dinneny

IBG3, Agrosphere, Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany Earth and Life Institute, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium

Plants cannot escape from their environment. They are poised to live and die where they were born. As a results, to survive the (sometimes harsh) conditions imposed to them by their direct environment, plants need to continuously adapt their growth and development. Thanks to theirs multitude of decision center (the meristems) and the connection between them (the xylem and phloem), plants can feel, react and integrate to both local and global stresses.

Here we will show how computer plant models can help scientist understand the complex, multidimensional, interactions between plants and their environments, with a focus on water. We will present different models, both at the organ and plant scale and discuss how they can give us insight about plant biological processes.