Lili Alderson will discuss the importance of obtaining multi-wavelength observations for understanding the atmospheres of transiting exoplanets. Through some hallmark exoplanets, we'll take a look at what has been achieved so far with HST, recent developments with JWST, and what both telescopes will bring to the future of atmospheric characterization.
Speaker BioAstronomy Seminars
Astronomy/Astrophysics seminars are held (roughly) weekly on Fridays at 2 pm (ET) on campus in Washington DC.
The seminar is fairly casual, and the audience is mostly astronomers, with some cosmochemists or geophysicists occasionally. The seminar will be hosted in a Hybrid format for Spring 2023.
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You can use this form to nominate speakers (or yourself) for a seminar slot. Note that if we receive more nominations than expected, the speakers will be selected through a vote by the Carnegie EPL Astronomy group.
Nomination Form