Kei Shimizu, a DCO postdoctoral associate at DTM, will give a talk titled “The Generation of Pacific MORB and the Role of Oceanic Mantle Lithosphere” at 11 a.m. on Thursday, January 26, 2017, in the Greenewalt Lecture Hall as part of DTM's Weekly Seminar Series.

Shimizu received his Ph.D. in geological sciences from Brown University in 2016. He is interested in the evolution of the Earth’s mantle and crust through the history of the Earth. He currently investigates this using geochemical analysis of magmas generated by melting of the Earth’s upper mantle at mid-ocean ridges (mid-ocean ridge basalts or MORBs) to better constrain the processes that the magmas have undergone (degree of mantle melting, melt mixing, fractional crystallization, and volatile degassing) and the composition of the Earth's upper mantle. Part of his Ph.D. dissertation research focused on understanding the chemical variation in MORBs generated at the East Pacific Rise (EPR) through new geochemical analysis and modeling and its implications for the volatile content (C, H, F, Cl, S) of the Pacific upper mantle.

Coffee, tea, and a light breakfast will be served before the lecture at 10:30 a.m.

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