EPL Postdoctoral Fellowships

Freedom to follow your next big idea
Postdoctoral fellows and associates at EPL are regarded as scientific colleagues and part of the strong scientific community here. Every fellow has access to the full staff on the EPL campus and the other departments of the Carnegie Institution, as well as to a group of non-resident collaborators and visiting investigators from all parts of the world.

Professional development
We believe strongly in ongoing training for postdocs.
The Postdoctoral Development Program includes workshops in preparing budgets, writing grants, giving talks, applying for jobs, mentoring, and management. Our postdoctoral scientists are now employed in research and educational institutions all over the world and form an extended network of connections for new postdocs; we aim to have the best-trained postdoctoral scientists in the field and to provide the most rigorous and positive scientific experience here at EPL.

Postdoctoral association
The Carnegie Institution Postdoctoral Association (CIPA) is an organization composed of all postdocs at Carnegie Science.
At EPL, CIPA serves to build community amongst campus postdocs, share useful resources, and collectively advocate for EPL postdoc-specific issues. EPL CIPA meets monthly and its elected representatives meet monthly with the department Director. EPL CIPA representatives can be contacted at epl-cipa@carnegiescience.edu.
Apply with confidence!
We've collected several successful Carnegie Fellowship applications, which have been generously made available by previous postdoctoral fellows. Please note that these are only meant as examples, and they exhibit a variety of approaches—each of which was effective in its own way. We are not endorsing any particular approach but rather suggest looking at these for examples of good style, organization, and best practices.
Apply for a Fellowship NowResources for Applicants
Advice from our Staff Scientists and answers to your FAQs to help you build a competitive postdoc application.
Carnegie Institution for Science has been designated as an Exchange Visitor Program sponsor.
Postdoctoral Application Examples
Nicole Nie Application
DownloadPeng Ni Application
DownloadMunazza Alam Application
DownloadFabo Feng Postdoctoral Application Example
DownloadPlan of Research Example | Sharon Xuesong Wang
DownloadErika Nesvold Postdoctoral Application Example.pdf
DownloadSharon Xuesong Wang Example Postdoctoral Application
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With our bustling calendar of events, postdocs will meet new people, expand their research, discover new interests, and become a part of our rich tradition of campus life.
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