Library shelves with wooden ladder

Carnegie Monograph Series

Between 1902 and 1994 Carnegie Institution published the Carnegie Monograph Series, consisting of over 600 volumes on a wide range of topics.  The majority of volumes in the Carnegie Monograph Series are freely available online through the HathiTrust Digital Library, the Biodiversity Heritage Library, or the Internet Archive.

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Books on a shelf

Carnegie Year Books

Every year since Carnegie's founding in 1902, the institution has published a selection of its discoveries in an annual Year Book. Over time, this annual report evolved from a complete record of Carnegie's scientific output to a document for highlighting its top annual achievements, the researchers behind these discoveries, and the generous supporters who make the institution's work possible. 

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Earth & Planets Lab Publications

Explore publications, both past and present, from Earth & Planets Laboratory (EPL) staff members, postdoctoral fellows, and associates.

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Carnegie Science newsletters.

Carnegie Newsletters

Since the early 1970s, Carnegie has published a regular newsletter featuring the research of scientist, institutional news, and current programs and events.

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