
We're On Trend

The search for life in the Solar System and beyond has been identified by NASA as its top strategic priority.


Primed to Lead the Search

We can draw on expertise and equipment from astronomers, planetary scientists, plant biologists, cellular and molecular biologists, astrobiologists, geophysicists, and geochemists.

How Did Life Arise and Thrive?

How did life arise on Earth? Where did its building blocks first develop—in the superheated saltwater near deep-sea vents, or within the vast ice sheets covering primordial oceans? Or did life on Earth evolve from carbon-based molecules transported here billions of years ago by comets and asteroids? Reconstructing the key transitional processes between a chemical non-living state and a biological living state has been a long-standing scientific challenge. Solving this mystery would arguably be the most significant breakthrough of our time.

Carnegie scientists have redefined humanity’s understanding of life in the universe: from our cutting-edge investigations of hot spring microbial community ecology to our probes of deep sea life forms—and from our pioneering observations of exoplanets to our partnerships with NASA on missions to Mercury and Mars.

In recent decades, biologists and physical scientists have built and harnessed new tools and concepts that allow us to robustly address seminal scientific questions about the origins of life on Earth, including how the biosphere, geosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere co-evolved. The answers to these questions have implications for the core biology of our own species, and to the ability of life in general to adapt to a changing planet, while also fueling our exploration of the potential for life on other planets.

This artist’s impression shows a view of the surface of the planet Proxima b orbiting the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri, the closest star to the Solar System.  Credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser

What Makes an Exoplanet Habitable?

The Carnegie Science-led AEThER project combines astronomy, astrophysics, cosmo- and planetary chemistry, planetary physics and dynamics, experimental and theoretical petrology, and mineral physics to answer fundamental questions about the nature of exoplanetary solar systems and the characteristics that lead rocky planets to have clement surfaces suitable for the development of life. The final product of this project will be a new perspective on what kinds of planets in what stellar environments are most likely to develop habitable surfaces where life can thrive and then be remotely detected.

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